Thursday, January 19, 2006

...more rain?

--hardly. beautiful day. more or less glad mike, homework, cool gridz, a certain phonecall, and LOST kept me distracted from that previous line of thought. way too introspective *myuck!*

the great weekend awaits. whatever shall this one bring? some fancy financial aid blowing, a cranberry gimlet or two, and FLEXIBLE casts (that's to all you authoritarian television "my life" melodrama casting directors!)

I had a thought yesterday that I was priviledged enough to have a good friend nearby to relay it to, but might as well share....
Ok, so upon yet more over-analysis and theorizing of which most of you know I am yet painfully accustomed, I thought to myself from a certain angle the rub of ATTRACTION (that's as in "Aye, there's the rub"). The thing no one realizes is that the basis of attraction (let's reduce this idea to a simplified level of just physical attraction, or initial attraction) is set outside of a dynamic, ever-changing time. It fails to consider CHANGE. When someone comes along in your life and they are attracted to you, they are attracted to you as you are at this particular moment in your life, not as you would be 6 months or 5 years from now when you've gained 50lbs or become a practicing buddist or finally learned to dance a tango. It doesn't even occur to the "attracted" mind, does it? If we take this idea on into relationships, in the most general sense, -- well, just imagine the scene: lying in bed, telling your "other" you want to start going to the gym, or go get a tattoo or go study some obscure form of religious practice, under most "non-ideal" circumstances, it's going to be in one way or another their obligation to say to you some form of "oh you don't have to do that, i like you just the way you are!" - am i wrong? - certainly all this is just theorizing and conjecture. But is this not a point that needs to be made. Do we not fathom the capacity for change, for growth, for progress in our fellow man? How often do we hear of a friend liking a person because of their "potential" or their "tranformational capabilities" ;) - really though. Well, that's pretty much it. Just a thought.

Bring on MANNA, and a great dinner with great friends.