Tuesday, January 17, 2006

if so, then i wouldn't mind the rain...

thanks to the deliverer of my currently fav song , at least as best i can say at the moment.....goes write well with a rainy day....

wish i could right

where has the time all gone to --- no, you pretty much no how much time you spend doing anything but what you no you will never (get around to, start , begin, change---) DO. (period) no this........ there is know way out .....of you're (an) own head start into the dance that is to once dreamed upon a life that you no (you could make) you will knever no.

...the illusory bastard that is time

well, if nothing else, it's a new semester, a new year, but who's to say it won't be like all the other new semesters, new years? --- i mean, it's the easiest thing, isn't it? to follow your percieved, over-theorized pattern of 'people, places, and things', know? hints of 'fatal attraction', irresolute pastward angst and hate, oppressive business ventures in sight, an overall dreadfully BLANK looming future, you know, the full cadre of astrological over-generalized insights - hey, you know, i may just do something different.

well, it's well past time for all the toasts and resolutions to be made, i've missed the carpe die-ish moment yet again, the music really needs to change --- i need to- to-- umm---
