how would a reporter-style blog of the bear-community play out? would it be received well, or pompous and limited and judgemental?
3:14:08 - Green Finch and Linnet Bird
butt clenching - endless artifacts and to-do's held suspended in midair
why should I ignore details such as the fact that i cannot be more fascinated with the ___ scores of one Stephen Sondheim, and whatever stereo-reputations that might ensue?
dress up ideas
the boy who works in nj and lives in brooklyn and the other who is vice versa
writer of pet horoscopes
all the wrong people saying 'woof, aren't you too cute!"
you say 'fuck it, embrace the prosody'
meticulous meddling
can this be viewed from the sidelines?
The Victims:
The Disappointed Dreamer and Pampered Royal
spectacle is distraction
You seek variety, but does he?
Exurberant romance and drama
The Novice
fatally curious
experientially new exposures
more spectacle
be weary of a clever mix of innocence and corruption
The Exotic Fetishist
strong rebellious streak
position yourself as exotic - highlight your differences
a struggle to hold their interest
nothing will offer escape from themselves
The Professor
cannot escape trap of overanalyzing
feel physically inferior
escape their mental prisons
would like pure physicality but cannot get there on their own
hide your own intellectual tendencies
let them judge you
what makes you tick?
the iris showed me you were vulnerable
still waters run deep
busy people have too little space in their minds for you to occupy
we yearn to be drawn out of ourselves, out of our routines and into the drama of eros.
nothing is more seductive than a sense of destiny
the use of deliberate dullness
Mute your colors, seem unthreatening, blend in
Create a power by hinting at something contradictory within you - send mixed signals.
the key to both attracting and holding attention is to radiate mystery
3/7/08 - Excercise/Exorcise
adulthood = letting go of (childish) things ?
when people start to disappear, and you realize they may be gone for good - when you are forced to encapsulate a moment with a person or experience, a place - when something becomes finally finite - perhaps when we have become resolute with this fact is the moment we have "grown up".
People I encounter seem so "over it" with so many things.
Perhaps my (foolish?) idealistic hope is simply a defense mechanism to avoid fully approaching/resolving things to their natural conclusion.
Maybe your natural unconscious habit of assigning a 'good' or 'bad' to your overanalyzed motives is the real problem. Maybe in acknowledging the tragedy of human existence you actually apply it to yourself while saying: "Yes I do love to be around people because I love things other than myself, other lives, a myriad of experiences await to share," -- simultaneously: "I need people to avoid feeling alone, and sometimes because I just need some attention." Both are equally valid.