Reading over someone's shoulder .... in the library, on the train...
do you assemble an identity out of fandom... an attraction to something others find alluring...or do you find it alluring yourself. and what do you find alluring yourself - the artifacts? the wrapped up lives? the chase?
and why should any of your efforts be directed elsewhere - double entendre - every effort is not worth it unless it accomplishes multiple objectives you mean?
It's like - you don't know where to start - what to pursue on your own...where to begin. So it's naturally easy to peek over at someone else's newspaper, someone else's crossword, someone else's story and follow along for a bit. And hey, maybe somewhere along the way, you may have the answer to 17-across or some other random clue. In that way, we should look out for opportunities to help each other out. Using our talents to do so. And mine is research. A jigsaw puzzle of unknown breadth is brought up in a helicopter and scattered across the whole of the city. Maybe it's not my job to put the puzzle together, but it sure can be fun to stumble upon some of the pieces. Maybe we're all kinda lookin for where our next pieces are gonna turn up.
Lost mythology teaches us that nothing is irrelevant; every little detail should catalogued and remembered, because one day it will connect with something else, make a little more sense or explode a whole new mystery.