i'm sitting here in my "office", at my crap computer, with nothing to do, but wait for the phone to ring. I just got moved to another desk (which is actually the 8'x8' copy room - the hummmmm is killing me) because another department didn't want to get rid of an old secretary, so they're sending her over here to answer the phones...which is (or was) half of my job responsibility. Now I really don't know why I'm here. The shelves in this room that I organized last week loom above my head, and I can imaging some Alan-Ball-esque imagination-sequence where the endless rows come tumbling down on my head, too much for me. Probably not. It's not like it's some torturous ordeal here. It's just routine and boredom and pretending to be comfortable talking to people I don't know or care about.
Updating my pics last night, finally after, what? six months was fun last night. Tonight after working out, eating (never enough) and maybe going out to see XmenIII, I'll purchase my plane tickets for the two weeks I'll be at the American Tap Dance Foundation's Work Study Program. Feels like the only interesting thing in my life presently.
Oh, I've read two and a half books already! In only two weeks. That's gotta be some kinda record for me. Why do I get so easily jaded with things? I'm totally free? No more college, school, schedu---yeah, hold it there buddy....that's all wrong....you had it easy before. Now's when the real hell begins...
"And now life really begins, and now life really begins....GO TO IT!"
....and i thought, shit.