(free association)
doomed forever to stalk the silent relapses of an impossibly
scratching nagging growth chin
i should go back....type in this everything i've written.......no - i mean there's some relevant insights....building legos.......
*bam* - *hits a brick wall* there and i'm done
*ready for the one thing? - analysis/self-reflection - i didn't say it last night.
"well see if you can follow me around the room...." (get that one for bonus points)
» Roark, Simon, James
loins, head, heart respectively
wouldn't that be cool if we could just put one of those factors in a "jar"
while the other two play around?
(I DID - now LISTEN)
Simon, as usual, totally fed up with listening to any more of your shit, any attempt at thought coming out of your mouth never sits well with him, he was ready to kick you out and go to bed alone
James was willing to go along with Simon , but do it politely, he's the one that clams up, or is clammed up by the other two, they're the rowdy ones, and James neverhardly gets a word in, *feelings turned OFF*
» Roark on the other hand was begging to be ravaged - fuck consequences, take me in my twilight zone he said, angered when you didn't know when to turn out the light, pleading for it harder, writhing in the contact, running back into hiding after getting off
» .....................there.
» (follow the visuals:-->>)
on a merry-goround thing, the kinda at playgrounds, that you spin then jump onto and try to balance in the middle
it's so easy to lay down in the middle and let the polar opposites pull back and forth with each rapid circular spin
» but the challenge is standing up.
» putting some altitude and importance to that third coordinate (think triangle) the heart, slight above and between the other two, balancing on three axes - each with their own relevant voice ---- it's harder to listen to all three - and balance on the merry go round