*my getaway car*
6:00 AM - Wakeup to alarm sound that immediately wipes dreams being dreampt a millisecond ago from mind
6:02 AM - Quietly ("roommate's" sleepin) pick out clothes to conquer the day
6:05 AM - Shower, masturbate
6:15 AM - Dress, mirror-stuff
6:30 AM - Prepare "to do/stress" list for the day, stack books you'll need
6:35 AM - Scrounge up breakfast (danish, milk, maybe tea, grapes, hard boiled eggs)
6:40 AM - Eat while doing any last minute reading for classes
somewhere between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM - Drive to campus, med school garage, traverse campus in its entireity to Williams building (ahh, home) sit in class early preparing (over-planning) for all the things you need to accomplish
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM - African American Literature, avoid answering questions for texts you haven't read, avoid dozing off, write in journal if the moment grabs you
11:00 AM - 12:15PM - Latino/a Literature, same room, same as above
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM - Senior Seminar: Science & Literature, upstairs, lofty 4th floor, conference room, better have shit read, cus he'll be askin', more than likely more presentations, sit quietly and excited for the "empty time" that lies before you
2:00 PM - Walk out of Williams feeling envigorated and free (at least for the next four hours), get some food - hot dog stand, plastic bagged sandwich from breakfast, Johnston sub
2:30 PM - Strozier, after doin "rounds", sit at a strategically place computer to watch everyone who walks in and out...chat on AIM, start pretending to do stuff on "To do/stress" list
3:00 PM - possibly meet a friend for lunch, possibly follow a stranger, possibly walk to some other comfortable spot on campus that you think will actually make you more likely to get any work done, if extremely bored, masturbate again (nevermind where), eat again
6:00 PM - walk back to Williams, final class, darkness descends
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM - Modern British Literature, vomit, long, arduous, lecturous, a welcome break at 8:00 PM, plan how you will use the remaining sleepless hours of the night to get as much work as you did during the day- ahem, correction- to get the work you didn't get done during the day, all finished up
9:30 PM - walk in the biting cold, alone, the full length of campus back to med school parking garage, drive home
10:30 PM - check myspace ;), attempt to get some work done, chat online, ultimately fall asleep at some god awful hour with nothing much accomplished in the way of schoolwork
dream and repeat.
.......this is the life.