...was what the experience of witnessing this short-lived, yet unmeasurably influential duo from Essex could be described as.
The two lasted 18 months and put out only two albums. Though a quarter-century after Yaz's demise, it would have been impossible to tell by the reaction of the sold-out Terminal 5 audience. Nearly every song was sung along to by generations young and old. Some of the same people that heard them first perform live, and never forgot, were likely present. And while their music triggers nostalgia today, originally Yaz's sound helped pioneer a new style: synth-pop.
Could not ask Bill or anyone else for a better start to my musical education.
Overall a huge success from what I could tell, minus some confusion over pink paper hearts, the duo along with the crowd sans doubt dug each other. Rich, Paul, and a few other familiar faces were on hand to witness the unmissable event as well.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One Step at a Time
"here i sit, in the middle of the room; i don't throw a fit and i don't start crying..."
With some refreshing ol' buddy influence, a spark of memories, and a 'step-back-and-say-WHy-NoT?' perspective taken up, I begin to examine exactly that:
I can easily write about everything... this is the dog that lives with me, she is a such-and-such breed, here's a weblink; this is the camera i use, checkout this link to my flickr page; this is the tv i watch/obsess over, these are the things that interest me, that i am passionate about... sounds simple, right?
You start writing small blips about simple things, and be open to a variety of perspective sand styles, and see where it takes me. See where I take myself.
So, without further whining and blathering, let's begin.

Today is July 16th. 2008.
I've found myself sitting on a bench in a park in West New York overlooking the city as I first got to know it, from afar. From across a river where the full diorama of its skyline been seen from the "outside" and yet easily gained entry to peruse its mysteries....
what the fuck am i saying. i was just here, i just drove over to petsmart to get the dog some food, and was hungry so sdropped in on my favorieteds subway in the rold, in dangerously close proximity to the hyatt.... i wasn't ready to return to .... the suway was as bad as ever, even with two new hired hands, oviously still in training, a fly kept nipping around my head, perfect counterpoint to the rediculous service that still continue to provide....
the weather was hot and my ac was dead, hdesperatley hoping my car would continue running for me to at least get my to jonathans or a nearby bus stop .... but now, having arrived here, no answer from the notoriously bad signaled apartment on the 2nd floor which i can star into the darkened withdown with not answer, no answer on the phone either....so i'm essentially tuck, and to make ma-- confuound it alll, my bateries dying on my phone, resultanta of the whim to avoid overcharging it every night when i go to on the ihome when i go to bed....
its a rediculously beautiful day though.... my ranbans, begin stuck with as my fossils cheal seemed to be misplanced on the camping rtipthe ranbans are making all the greens greener and the blues blueer--- ...there's even some exuberant red coming from the shurberies behind my bench....
there is a rightness to smelling this smell - this natureal greeen, eathry smell....that i ve only found here in parks or on weekend excursious out into the woord awary from the compex ubanities,
i neeed to stop thinking whall the things i need to do and start doing things, ....practice doing things will make me better th at doing the ing i need to do rather than just continually noting them..... -- of course my entire journey would be littered with attractice people, making me wonderi yet again why i felt the ned to desert NJ.... was it solely based on steroetypes and my deisre to just ber in the midst of the dream of this place i dont' even know how to survive in, how to make a living in--- was i just thinking i was just going to ....*end streamofthought*
With some refreshing ol' buddy influence, a spark of memories, and a 'step-back-and-say-WHy-NoT?' perspective taken up, I begin to examine exactly that:
I can easily write about everything... this is the dog that lives with me, she is a such-and-such breed, here's a weblink; this is the camera i use, checkout this link to my flickr page; this is the tv i watch/obsess over, these are the things that interest me, that i am passionate about... sounds simple, right?
You start writing small blips about simple things, and be open to a variety of perspective sand styles, and see where it takes me. See where I take myself.
So, without further whining and blathering, let's begin.
Today is July 16th. 2008.
I've found myself sitting on a bench in a park in West New York overlooking the city as I first got to know it, from afar. From across a river where the full diorama of its skyline been seen from the "outside" and yet easily gained entry to peruse its mysteries....
what the fuck am i saying. i was just here, i just drove over to petsmart to get the dog some food, and was hungry so sdropped in on my favorieteds subway in the rold, in dangerously close proximity to the hyatt.... i wasn't ready to return to .... the suway was as bad as ever, even with two new hired hands, oviously still in training, a fly kept nipping around my head, perfect counterpoint to the rediculous service that still continue to provide....
the weather was hot and my ac was dead, hdesperatley hoping my car would continue running for me to at least get my to jonathans or a nearby bus stop .... but now, having arrived here, no answer from the notoriously bad signaled apartment on the 2nd floor which i can star into the darkened withdown with not answer, no answer on the phone either....so i'm essentially tuck, and to make ma-- confuound it alll, my bateries dying on my phone, resultanta of the whim to avoid overcharging it every night when i go to on the ihome when i go to bed....
its a rediculously beautiful day though.... my ranbans, begin stuck with as my fossils cheal seemed to be misplanced on the camping rtipthe ranbans are making all the greens greener and the blues blueer--- ...there's even some exuberant red coming from the shurberies behind my bench....
there is a rightness to smelling this smell - this natureal greeen, eathry smell....that i ve only found here in parks or on weekend excursious out into the woord awary from the compex ubanities,
i neeed to stop thinking whall the things i need to do and start doing things, ....practice doing things will make me better th at doing the ing i need to do rather than just continually noting them..... -- of course my entire journey would be littered with attractice people, making me wonderi yet again why i felt the ned to desert NJ.... was it solely based on steroetypes and my deisre to just ber in the midst of the dream of this place i dont' even know how to survive in, how to make a living in--- was i just thinking i was just going to ....*end streamofthought*
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